
These are Key Volunteer roles, the League cannot operate without them and baseball will not happen.  These roles are a great opportunity to be involved and be a part of the player experience.  To sign up for these roles indicate which role(s) you would be interested in participating in during registration.

Coach:  This important and very visible role requires a person who can ideally attend almost all the team's games and practices. A baseball background and or attendance of coach training sessions offered by KLL is also suggested. At the older levels (Minors and Majors) where practices are held, this person should develop a practice plan so the players on his/her team develop both baseball skills and an understanding of the game's rules and concepts. At KLL, an emphasis is placed on good sportsmanship as well as fairness and safety for its players, so as the Coach it is vital that this be communicated and demonstrated. A criminal background check is required.

Assistant Coach:  The Assistant Coach works with the Coach to help develop the skills of our players and ensure they also have a positive experience. The expectation is that the Assistant Coach will be at the majority of the team's games and practices. If this is not possible, then feel welcome to offer your expertise, however please do not check off Assistant Coach on your child's form, as this may result in a team not having sufficient coaching coverage. The Assistant Coach is also encouraged to attend the coaching clinic offered by KLL and must complete a background check.

Team Manager:  The Manager assists the coaches by relaying vital team communications from coaches to parents. This includes email distribution of the team list with contact numbers , and game and practice schedules. Managers make up a duty roster for parents on the team. Depending on the division, this could mean bringing snack, keeping score, or keeping the peace on a fidgety bench. Parents are responsible for arranging another team parent to substitute if they have a conflict with a scheduled duty. Please note that team duties are in addition to and independent of your volunteer duty to the league. The parents of each child on a team will be scheduled on a rotational basis by the Manager to keep score, distribute uniforms, or act as a bench/snack parent for the team.