Concussions are the most common form of head injury caused by an impact or forceful motion of the head or other part of the body, or a quick motion of neck and head, resulting in rapid movement of the brain within the skull. (

To learn more about concussions, an informative online resource, Concussion Awareness Training Tool (CATT), has been developed by Dr. Shelina Babel, Associate Director/Sports Injury Specialist with the BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit and BC Children’s Hospital (

KLL is committed to the prevention and recognition of concussion injuries and to the safe return to sport for players who have sustained a concussion with the following:

  1. Concussion Education and Resources
  2. Suspected Concussion
  3. Reporting a concussion and Return to Sport
  1. All coaches and managers are to complete the Concussion Awareness Training Tool for Coaches and Officials yearly prior to the start of the season.
  2. KLL coaches and managers have access to the CATT Concussion Information
    Package for Coaches

  3. KLL uses the CATT Concussion Pathway to assess when there is a suspected concussion. If a concussion is suspected, play will be stopped so that the player may be assessed with the pathway. The pathway is accessible to coaches and managers by:
  1. KLL also encourages parents to be aware of concussion prevention, recognition, management and return to play by completing the Concussion Awareness Training Tool for Parents and Caregivers.
  2. KLL parents and caregivers have access to the CATT Concussion Information
    Package for Parents and Caregivers at

  3. KLL parents and caregivers have access to the CATT Concussion Pathway at

A concussion is common form of head injury caused by an impact or forceful motion of the head or other part of the body, or a quick motion of neck and head, resulting in rapid movement of the brain within the skull.

Following a potential concussion-causing event, the following procedure should be followed:

  • KLL officials have been instructed to stop play so that the individual can be
    assessed for a medical emergency.
  • Use the CATT Concussion Pathway:
  • If there are any red flags:
    • Call 911 – provide KLL baseball field name and locations
    • Do not move the injured player but make surroundings safe as possible
    • Do not leave the injured player until Emergency Services arrive
    • Notify the parent or emergency contacts if available
  • If there are NO red flags:
    • Remove the individual from the playing field and do not let them return to play for the remainder of the day.
    • Do not leave the injured player alone
    • Watch for (and record if any) new symptoms
    • Notify ASAP the parents or emergency contacts of injured player.
    • Player should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible.

When concussion injury has occurred, and the individual has been safely transferred to medical care, managers and coaches are to report the concussion injury using the following form and e-mail to

Before returning to sport after concussion, it is recommended the individual provide a medical clearance letter stating they are safe to return to sport. A sample medical clearance letter can be found on CATT:

Coaches, managers and parents will follow the CATT guidelines for return to sport.