Please Note that Majors and Minors registration is now Closed but applicants can contact registrar@kerrisdalebaseball.
Kerrisdale Little League is divided into a number of standard Little League Divisions by baseball age.
To calculate players baseball age use this calculator to determine your baseball age. The registration form will automatically determine the applicable division based on birth date. For the 2025 Spring Season, players born before September 1, 2012 are considered "aged out" of Little League and unable to play.
Players considering playing up in a higher level should indicate so during the registration process as there may need to be an assessment conducted for safety purposes.
For more information about each Division such as player commitment, schedule and equipment required, please refer to each individual Division page.
As a guideline, if unsure what division to register your child in, refer to Little League age chart below:
Kerrisdale Division Age Chart

For families that may require financial assistance, we encourage you to connect with the following organizations:
KidSport Canada (Vancouver Chapter)
If you are aware of any additional organizations that support families to participate in sport, please connect us with them by contacting
Last Day to register for Majors and Minor A: January 20, 2025.